Monday, December 26, 2011

Time for a Spiritual Reboot

As we move towards 2012, the expansion in consciousness will continue to be more apparent, causing changes on every level; mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. Since body, mind and soul are connected, when one alters, they all follow suit. Understanding these shifts and actively making personal transformations is necessary to maintain growth and balance in your life.
In the past you could use a more generalized approach to spirituality, a one size fits all. But not anymore. What works for one person won't necessarily be applicable for another because we're all programmed differently. Since each person is individually wired, you have to figure out your own system.
 Old programs may not work on a new computer, or if they do, may not work optimally.  If you switch from a PC to a MAC there can really be issues. Even when new programs are installed, the outdated ones are still present. The same holds true as you're shifting.  In essence you are dealing with a new operating system and it's important you uninstall old beliefs and fears in order to fully function within the new structure. 
Deleting what is no longer needed on a computer is as easy as hitting a button; not so with the human psyche. The first step is awareness of the existing programs that are installed. You are the investigator, take inventory of concepts that no longer work for you;  childhood issues, relationship blocks, old ideas, beliefs, paradigms, any thoughts or fears that are slowing down your progress. Once you have that information at your disposal, put the limiting beliefs and fears on one side, then write a replacement  on the other in the form of an affirmation. For instance if you have a fear of poverty, the counter thought on the right side would be that you have unlimited abundance.
Most of us aren't technically advanced enough to fix our own computers, professionals are usually employed. On the spiritual side, there is an angelic Technical Assistance Team (TAT)available to assist with the work.   This group is similar to the angelic Medical Assistance Team, but deals with belief systems as opposed to the physical body. Once you've dug deep and feel your list is complete, call in TAT  to purge the old programs that are no longer relevant and activate the new ones.  As with all your guides, angels and teachers, the Technical Assistance Team are poised to help, but are unable to assist unless you ask them.
Don't be surprised if at the end of your session you are exhausted. Clearing and cleaning up is tough work, not to mention the emotions that bubble to the surface from taking the inventory. When you install new programs on a computer, a reboot is necessary. The same holds true with your physical body and mind, take a rest. This may take several attempts to complete, after all you didn't come up with these beliefs overnight and some are deeply ingrained.
The final week of December is often a time of endings. Many use this time to reflect on the "woulda' -shoulda'- coulda's"  of the previous twelve months. Businesses use this week to take inventory for end of year accounting.  This is the ideal time to make a personal assessment of your spiritual operating system and reboot before launching into 2012.

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