Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Care and Feeding of Your Inner Child

The mention of Inner Child healing work is enough to make grown men…and women, cry.  Literally.
What is it about this subject matter that produces an instant dread in people and keeps a major segment of adults from investigating what’s in their past that might be affecting their future?
In popular and analytical psychology, the “inner child “is our childlike aspect that includes all that we learned and experienced before puberty. John Bradshaw, a U.S. educator, psychologist and self-help movement leader famously used “inner child” to point to unresolved childhood experiences and the lingering effects of this dysfunction.  In this way, “inner child” refers to the sum of mental-emotional memories stored in the sub-conscious from conception through pre-puberty.
The Twelve-Step recovery program considers healing the inner child to be one of the essential stages in recovery from addiction, abuse, trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Carl Jung is often referenced as the originator of the concept in his Divine Child archetype and has led to the characterization of it being a sub-personality that lives within each psyche.
There are three ways that therapists can understand and define the inner child:
1)      The Magical Child: Playful, fun, spontaneous, full or wonder and magic. This is the part of the child who has never been wounded or damaged.

2)      The Adapted Child: In order to survive, a child trying to be a grown-up. Adaptive behaviors, sub personalities, are aspects. “Good Girl” and “Bad Girl” may both be adapted children. It’s the way we learned to survive and receive approval as children.

3)      The Wounded Child: A metaphor for the wounded parts of our childhood which have not completed the developmental tasks of that period. The memories of a particular time of childhood may be suppressed due to emotional pain, but that “child” lives on within the subconscious, waiting to be cared for and nurtured, waiting to get its needs met. But not every child archetype is that of the Wounded Child, you may have aspects of the Adapted Child and hopefully some of the Magical Child.
David Quigley, creator of Alchemical Hypnotherapy described this modality as follows:  The metaphor of the Inner Child is a tool through which we can identify and heal those wounded places within ourselves where early needs have been unmet and feelings denied. It provides us with the opportunity to re-live our childhoods in a new way that meets these needs of those repressed parts of ourselves and restore us to wholeness.
It is in the Wounded Child syndrome that the pieces that are waiting to be cared for and nurtured often show up in our adult lives. Look at a typical day at the office and you’ll see many “children” running around trying to be seen, heard and praised, sometimes rather loudly. Going back and rescuing the child is a wonderful, healing experience and can make a dramatic difference in your life. Through the use of Alchemical Hypnosis, it is possible to revisit the childhood events, clear the trauma, change the events and rescue the child, facilitating integration to take place.
If you are having  issues , most likely they are linked to a childhood dysfunction. Contact me for a session in Alchemical Hypnotherapy and begin the clearing process. People who have been my clients claim more work is done in a 2-3 hour session than they have accomplished through years of therapy. After experiencing multiple inner child healing modalities, this is the most expedient and successful one I have found. The process works, don’t put it off any longer!!
Join in this upcoming workshop to learn excellent tools for finding and nurturing your child.
Care and Feeding of Your Inner Child
Saturday September 21st 10:00-12:00 Cost $20
Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore 404-255-5207 to secure your spot
We all have issues from the past that still seem to plague us in the present. Often these date back to something that occurred in our childhood. The mere act of growing up was enough for many of us to deny the joy of our Inner Child. Most of us don’t know where to begin to look for answers or to recapture that feeling of wonderment. For many this can take a life-time of therapy, but Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotherapist and Channel Becky Arrington has developed innovative techniques to help the healing begin in an experiential workshop.  
       ·         Understand patterns of behavior you have created over and over since childhood.
       ·         Communicate with your Inner Child through exercises that allow you to access            your  Subconscious and Higher Self
          ·         Travel back in time to find and integrate your Child through a guided meditation that will begin the healing process.
·         Ideas of how to nurture your child in the future…have fun!!
This workshop is highly interactive, fun and nurturing, giving you concrete tools to continue the healing process once you return home. Exploring the past does not have to be an emotional roller coaster, especially when using these tools that help you get above pain of the past. So leave the tissues behind, but don’t forget your teddy bear!

Suggested materials: Journaling supplies, stuffed animal


Friday, April 26, 2013

Enough Already....It's Time to Let it Go! already! Daily I see people struggling with limiting beliefs, past experiences that haunt them and in tremendous emotional pain. When I connect for guidance with my Archangels and Ascended Masters the answers I'm getting is “enough is enough.”
Last week I saw a woman who had a traumatic childhood and had spent years in therapy trying to come to terms with the experiences. As we were working the angels informed me  the woman had suffered her entire life, she didn’t need to spend additional time working through it, all she needed to do was surrender the pain and ask that it be taken from her.
 Sounds a bit simplistic I know, especially to those of us who have spent countless hours on a therapist’s couch. But our rate of manifesting has sped up and therefore our ability to heal has followed suite.  I believe it is now possible to get rid of all the old ideas that no longer serve us and to move past the painful memories and heal.
For many an important step in the process is understanding the patterns we have created and why. These can be uncovered easily through a series of simple exercises. Once you have unearthed the repeated behavior you’ve created and understand what you were trying to do in the process, it is time to eliminate them.
Intention is the act of declaring what you want in your life. This can be through a simple statement, an affirmation or a letter to the universe. Next you ask that the experience, idea, thought pattern or whatever it is you are intending to go away be taken from you. In essence, this is surrendering, asking your guides, teachers, angels, and others to intercede and eliminate what no longer serves you and is not a positive force in your life. Lastly you must believe with all your heart that a healing will take place. By calling on your guides, you put them in alignment with your highest good. In turn it is important that you believe and trust that it will be taken, resolved and absolved. Remember our guides cannot assist us if we don’t ask them, it is called the Law of Non-Interference. But as soon as you ask, they answer the call and assist. The lag time some of us experience is often an issue, hence the need to truly believe it will happen then let go of the outcome.
Many of us have been attached to the stories we have been telling about our lives for a long time. We continue like a cow sauntering along the same rutted path daily, going back over the familiar material again and again, often wearing it like a badge of courage. This is a time of great awakening and renewal, perhaps the best thing you could do was give up the narrative and create a happier tale in its place. We don’t have to carry our hurts and experiences with us forever. It doesn’t make us stronger to do so, it just bogs us down. Join with me in declaring May” Enough Already” month and let’s heal and write a new script for our lives. It’s time.
Call for an individual healing session to move past your past with Becky Arrington. She is available at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore on Thursdays, every other Friday and the first Saturday monthly. Whether in-person, phone or Skype, contact 404-255-5207 to schedule an appointment.
Inner Child Healing Workshop May 18th, 2012 10:30-1:00 Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore. Call 404-255-5207 to register.
Becky Arrington guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you're a company looking for iovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress and decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Inner Child Healing Evening

March 14th 7:00PM-8:30 PM
Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore
5531 Roswell Road
Atlanta, GA 30062
Cost $25  Call: 404-255-5207 to reserve your spot

When Your Inner Child Calls…Answer! We all have issues from the past that still seem to plague us in the present. Often these date back to something that occurred in our childhood. To an adult a seemingly minor issue could loom large through the eyes of a child. Moving forwards and growing is difficult when we have unresolved emotions from our past. Most of us don’t know where to begin to look for answers. For many this can take a life-time of therapy, but Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotist and Channel Becky Arrington has developed innovative techniques to help the healing begin in an experiential evening.  
Understand patterns of behavior you have created over and over since childhood.
Communicate with your Inner Child through exercises that allow you to access your Subconscious and Higher Self.
Travel back in time to find and integrate your Child through a guided meditation that will begin the healing process.
This evening is highly interactive, fun and nurturing, giving you concrete tools to continue the healing process once you return home. Exploring the past does not have to be an emotional roller coaster, especially when using these tools that help you get above pain of the past. So leave the tissues behind, but don’t forget your teddy bear!
Suggested materials: Journaling supplies, childhood photos of you and your parents.

 When Your Inner Child Calls...Answer!

We choose our parents before we are born. Hard to believe, but we are responsible as souls before we incarnate to select people who will give us certain experiences for our learning. It’s like being a director in our play, casting all the parts, with us as the star.
Even if on the surface you did not have a traumatic childhood, there are still parts that get stuck in our subconscious festering, waiting for us to get tired of the pain they cause and heal. These missing pieces manifest in disease, discontent and discord.
As our awareness and consciousness expands and opens during this mass awakening on the planet, these old issues come up for review and have to be cleared.
A lot of us spend our entire lives trying to push away the things that nag at us. Yet the problems never vanish. Long term avoiding eventually causes the nudges to become stronger until they become impossible to ignore. Challenges develop played out in our daily life through relationships, health or work and cause havoc. After living amongst the chaos caused by buried emotions, eventually the pain becomes too much to maintain because the concerns infiltrate every facet of your life.
Finally there is nothing left to do but face your fears and deal with them. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts and the only way to healing is through exploring the past. Most of the challenges can be traced to an event from childhood. The fact that your daddy didn’t pay enough attention to you as a child could be one of the reasons you are needing extra pats on the head in relationships or at work and are labeled needy. Or as detailed in Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life” many diseases are rooted in infancy through adolescent events.
As an adult the childhood incident may seem inconsequential, but remember you were a child at the time and your cognitive skills were not very sophisticated. When I mentioned earlier that you didn’t have to experience a horrendous childhood for things to become lodged in your subconscious, just think about how a child interprets the work and you begin to understand how certain events may have become skewed.
What is interesting about the new energy the world is experiencing during this time of awakening is it hastens healing. What might have taken years in therapy to work through in the past, can be erased in a much shorter amount of time.
Even if you have engaged in inner child work before, you may find some old patterns returning for a final look. This is part of the process and it’s a way the universe has in giving us one last chance to make sure you’re truly finished with those thoughts and behaviors.
Being in a director in your own production is a hard concept to imagine, especially if you created “A Nightmare on Elm Street.” But taking a 10,000 foot view of the situation will help explain why you created the scenes for your growth and make the healing easier.
Becky Arrington is a psychic channel who guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company looking for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.

Contact Becky Arrington for a session at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore: 404-255-5207 or e-mail her at Check out her web site at:



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside!

As temperatures plummet and the energy rises, I am finding the need for added protection. Adding exterior layers likes scarves, vests and coats protects from the weather elements, but we often forget to add extra energy padding. Daily I call for additional light to surround me to help any negativity easily bounce off and not penetrate into my physical body.  If you do not have a daily meditation of some sort where you bring in spiritual protection, I urge you to adopt one. It doesn't have to be a long involved meditation, a simple prayer asking for a shield or bubble of light around you works great. By adding this extra layer of energetic protection, you are helping yourself buffer against some of the harsh energies that are around, both from the universe and from other people.

With the dawning of the Age of Aquarius December 21st, 2012 wonderful new energies are being beamed to the earth, however having that much light awakens the old darker forces and there is a bit of a battle going on right now. This isn't something you necessarily are involved in or see, although many of you spiritual warriors out there are battling nightly. This is a natural cause and effect of balancing the energies. These new light waves are also stronger in intensity, therefore there is a certain amping up our bodies must do in order to raise our vibration. Again this isn't something you consicously do, it just happens. But in the process it can be discomforting and sometimes we need some added assistance.

Each of us has a legion of angelic beings around us, who are waiting to assist. The Law of Non-Interference prevents them from helping without permission. It's easy to ask for help, and your guides are ready to assist, but remember they cannot interfere without your go ahead. During my public channeling in January a meditation came in from my Ascended Master and Angelic group the Council of We (Wise and Enlightened) to be shared. This is a beautiful experience where the guides give us a Cloak of Consciousness to help protect from the strong energies we are currently feeling.

Meditation: The Cloak of Consciousness

  First of all we want to honor you for the light you have held and the energy you have maintained in the past month and in fact, the past several years. It was not always an easy ride for you and even though you have made it through what we call the birth canal into the world, your journey has merely just started. It has taken a tremendous toll on your souls and on your physical bodies and we wish to activate for you the Cloak of Consciousness to give you an added layer of protection. This is an energetic protection so you no longer have to use numbing substances like alcohol, poor eating, diversions, and all the other things you humans substitute to take you out of your consciousness and into a space of void. This void is your protection. Some do it with food for that helps ground them, or smoking or a number of other activities. This Cloak will act as the protection you need to help guard against some of the harsh energies that are around now.
For you see as more light comes in, more darkness comes to the surface and although you may have had a wonderful birth, the aftermath has been challenging. This is something that will assist and cushion the blows of the upcoming months.

Please close your eyes and we want you to envision a light in your third eye chakra. As you look at this light, it will continue to get bigger and brighter, widening and expanding until your entire vision is filled with light. As you continue to stare at this bright white light you will see a dark figure emerge out of the center. It is a human, in fact it is your own personal guide who is here to bestow this gift upon you.
As they walk closer to you, you notice there is something they are carrying, for some it is much like a scarf, for others more like a vest and yet for others it is a full coat. The differences in the outer garments mean nothing, it is just what your own individual human body needs for its own protection. As the guide moves closer you look into their eyes and see the gentleness of spirit and the wisdom of the ages. This unconditional love is woven into the fabric of your garment. The knowledge of the eons before you are sewn into the seams. Accept the gift of the fabric and wear it proudly, for you are special. You have been chosen to spread your love and light to others and this garment will not only mark you as a way shower but also protect you from the storms of energy about to descend upon you. Know that this garment will act like a shield and deflect anything that is not of love and light. Take a moment and share with your guide your feelings and questions. If they do not communicate with you, do not be alarmed, for there are no words necessary. If you do not envision this exchange, trust in your heart that it did take place. When you are complete, thank them for such an honorable gift.

Through our intentions, all things are possible. In our day to day we often forget to be intentional, to ask for help and to set up our lives to be easy. Taking some extra time in the morning to envision the type of day you would like, along with calling in an extra layer of energetic protection can do more than eating your Wheaties to start your day off right.

As a special Valentine's Day gift, I am offering individual channeled sessions for $75 during the month of February, a discount of $25. I have gift certificates available if you would like to share with a special someone, or that special someone could be you! It's a great gift to give yourself the wisdom of the Masters. Contact me: 770-649-6368 or to book an appointment either in person, phone or Skype.

Becky Arrington guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company looking for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Message from the Masters

January 1, 2013

Dearest sons and daughters of the light,

  We address you this first day of your calendar year to  congratulate you for getting to the other side so to speak. Now for all intensive purposes, not much has changed in your world, to the visible eye. Yet on an energetic and spiritual level, great changes have occurred. Going through the intense vibratory shift that happened in December from the 12th to the 21st took great fortitude and balance, for many of you were clearing out lifetimes of debris in order to make that transition. And it was made, for all of mankind. Those of you who were “aware” understand that you held the space and the energy for all of the universe to make that shift. Although on this first day of the new year, nothing really looks or feels different. It goes back to what we have been saying; trust, allow and know that it is in motion. You do not have to have the constant affirmation that things are a changin’for you “know” it in your heart, mind and in your soul. Be good with that, sit with it, trust that it has happened and allow what is next to occur.

 One of the biggest changes you will begin to see is there will be an overall feeling of connectedness and unity. Your political debacle currently occurring in Washington although on one hand  epitomizes  dysfunction, by the same token it is banding the citizens together in a shared outrage. You will begin to see more and more of this as individuals begin to awaken and realize they do have a say in their future. This communing with neighbors and acquaintances will continue the rest of the year, as more and more people begin to form citizen groups and begin to formulate plans to be heard by Washington. It will take this type of collaboration to get the attention of those who are in government, for the lone voice is not enough. We wish not to spend too much time on your politics, however it is interesting to see how this lack of movement and cohesiveness in your government will be the very thing that will catapult the individual citizens into forming action committees. Something for you all to think about, for you do have tremendous power when you connect together.

Lastly today we want to address the power within each of you and how best to utilize that tool. Your first step is recognizing that you have it. You have the power to create and do absolutely anything you want in the world. Your only limitation is yourself. All your past problems and concerns have been self-inflicted, therefore any hesitation in forward movement carries the same person at the helm…you. Know that it is all within your grasp and yours for the taking, you just have to figure out what you want to create. But a word to the wise, the energy currently has tremendous manifesting abilities that have a short response time. Watch your words and thoughts, for they are coming a reality almost instantaneously.

It is with extreme pleasure and excitement that we speak with you today. Great things are going to happen this year, believe in your own ability to create them and all is possible. There are no limitations.

Ascended Master Kathumi and the Council of WE (Wise and Enlightened) as channeled through Becky Arrington.