Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Message from the Masters

January 1, 2013

Dearest sons and daughters of the light,

  We address you this first day of your calendar year to  congratulate you for getting to the other side so to speak. Now for all intensive purposes, not much has changed in your world, to the visible eye. Yet on an energetic and spiritual level, great changes have occurred. Going through the intense vibratory shift that happened in December from the 12th to the 21st took great fortitude and balance, for many of you were clearing out lifetimes of debris in order to make that transition. And it was made, for all of mankind. Those of you who were “aware” understand that you held the space and the energy for all of the universe to make that shift. Although on this first day of the new year, nothing really looks or feels different. It goes back to what we have been saying; trust, allow and know that it is in motion. You do not have to have the constant affirmation that things are a changin’for you “know” it in your heart, mind and in your soul. Be good with that, sit with it, trust that it has happened and allow what is next to occur.

 One of the biggest changes you will begin to see is there will be an overall feeling of connectedness and unity. Your political debacle currently occurring in Washington although on one hand  epitomizes  dysfunction, by the same token it is banding the citizens together in a shared outrage. You will begin to see more and more of this as individuals begin to awaken and realize they do have a say in their future. This communing with neighbors and acquaintances will continue the rest of the year, as more and more people begin to form citizen groups and begin to formulate plans to be heard by Washington. It will take this type of collaboration to get the attention of those who are in government, for the lone voice is not enough. We wish not to spend too much time on your politics, however it is interesting to see how this lack of movement and cohesiveness in your government will be the very thing that will catapult the individual citizens into forming action committees. Something for you all to think about, for you do have tremendous power when you connect together.

Lastly today we want to address the power within each of you and how best to utilize that tool. Your first step is recognizing that you have it. You have the power to create and do absolutely anything you want in the world. Your only limitation is yourself. All your past problems and concerns have been self-inflicted, therefore any hesitation in forward movement carries the same person at the helm…you. Know that it is all within your grasp and yours for the taking, you just have to figure out what you want to create. But a word to the wise, the energy currently has tremendous manifesting abilities that have a short response time. Watch your words and thoughts, for they are coming a reality almost instantaneously.

It is with extreme pleasure and excitement that we speak with you today. Great things are going to happen this year, believe in your own ability to create them and all is possible. There are no limitations.

Ascended Master Kathumi and the Council of WE (Wise and Enlightened) as channeled through Becky Arrington.

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