Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Inner Child Healing Evening

March 14th 7:00PM-8:30 PM
Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore
5531 Roswell Road
Atlanta, GA 30062
Cost $25  Call: 404-255-5207 to reserve your spot

When Your Inner Child Calls…Answer! We all have issues from the past that still seem to plague us in the present. Often these date back to something that occurred in our childhood. To an adult a seemingly minor issue could loom large through the eyes of a child. Moving forwards and growing is difficult when we have unresolved emotions from our past. Most of us don’t know where to begin to look for answers. For many this can take a life-time of therapy, but Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotist and Channel Becky Arrington has developed innovative techniques to help the healing begin in an experiential evening.  
Understand patterns of behavior you have created over and over since childhood.
Communicate with your Inner Child through exercises that allow you to access your Subconscious and Higher Self.
Travel back in time to find and integrate your Child through a guided meditation that will begin the healing process.
This evening is highly interactive, fun and nurturing, giving you concrete tools to continue the healing process once you return home. Exploring the past does not have to be an emotional roller coaster, especially when using these tools that help you get above pain of the past. So leave the tissues behind, but don’t forget your teddy bear!
Suggested materials: Journaling supplies, childhood photos of you and your parents.

 When Your Inner Child Calls...Answer!

We choose our parents before we are born. Hard to believe, but we are responsible as souls before we incarnate to select people who will give us certain experiences for our learning. It’s like being a director in our play, casting all the parts, with us as the star.
Even if on the surface you did not have a traumatic childhood, there are still parts that get stuck in our subconscious festering, waiting for us to get tired of the pain they cause and heal. These missing pieces manifest in disease, discontent and discord.
As our awareness and consciousness expands and opens during this mass awakening on the planet, these old issues come up for review and have to be cleared.
A lot of us spend our entire lives trying to push away the things that nag at us. Yet the problems never vanish. Long term avoiding eventually causes the nudges to become stronger until they become impossible to ignore. Challenges develop played out in our daily life through relationships, health or work and cause havoc. After living amongst the chaos caused by buried emotions, eventually the pain becomes too much to maintain because the concerns infiltrate every facet of your life.
Finally there is nothing left to do but face your fears and deal with them. Unfortunately there are no shortcuts and the only way to healing is through exploring the past. Most of the challenges can be traced to an event from childhood. The fact that your daddy didn’t pay enough attention to you as a child could be one of the reasons you are needing extra pats on the head in relationships or at work and are labeled needy. Or as detailed in Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life” many diseases are rooted in infancy through adolescent events.
As an adult the childhood incident may seem inconsequential, but remember you were a child at the time and your cognitive skills were not very sophisticated. When I mentioned earlier that you didn’t have to experience a horrendous childhood for things to become lodged in your subconscious, just think about how a child interprets the work and you begin to understand how certain events may have become skewed.
What is interesting about the new energy the world is experiencing during this time of awakening is it hastens healing. What might have taken years in therapy to work through in the past, can be erased in a much shorter amount of time.
Even if you have engaged in inner child work before, you may find some old patterns returning for a final look. This is part of the process and it’s a way the universe has in giving us one last chance to make sure you’re truly finished with those thoughts and behaviors.
Being in a director in your own production is a hard concept to imagine, especially if you created “A Nightmare on Elm Street.” But taking a 10,000 foot view of the situation will help explain why you created the scenes for your growth and make the healing easier.
Becky Arrington is a psychic channel who guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company looking for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.

Contact Becky Arrington for a session at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore: 404-255-5207 or e-mail her at arringtonb@aol.com. Check out her web site at: www.channelforchange.com