Thursday, August 30, 2012

Breaking Up is Hard to Do...Cutting the Ties that Bind

Nobody likes a break-up whether it be a romantic relationship, job change or the demise of a friendship. Coming to the conclusion you’re no longer compatible often takes weeks, months or even years of agonizing scrutiny to determine a change is in order.

Once the decision has been made it may take equally as long to muster up the courage to break things off or to quit. In your dreams after you tell your scorned lover, friend or your boss the news, you could make a dramatic gesture of turning on your heels and leaving, possibly even slamming the door for effect. But in the real world there’s the business of cleaning out the office, signing papers or sifting through the collection of personal belongings scattered between people. Not to mention the emotional fallout that accompanies the process both personally and with the other person’s reaction. Difficult stuff for all parties to endure.

After the separation and clean-up is complete, many people still feel attached and find it difficult to stop thinking about the other person or the job. Sure, habit causes part of that and it’s important to change what you do in a day, but most likely you are still attached  via emotional chords. You can separate, vow not to text, phone or communicate, yet still feel the pull of the other person or even to the place of business where you worked.

These connectors are not visible to the naked eye, they exist in the space between you and the other person or even location. Usually we ignore that which we can’t see. But if you are in a situation where earlier relationships are plaguing you, or can’t quite let the attachments to the past go, cutting the ties that bind you might be the answer.

 It is important to remember that cutting the emotional chords comes after you have spent time in the grief cycle.  Understanding the roles of all involved, recognizing the lessons and the gifts as well as processing the loss is all part of that cycle. Once those steps are complete and you’re truly ready to let go, there’s no better way than severing the relationship on all levels; mental, physical, emotional , spiritual and energetic.

If these words resonate with you as something you might be interested in pursuing, whether it be in understanding and processing the situation then moving forwards or in cutting the ties, contact Becky Arrington to discuss the next steps in breaking free of your binding emotional attachments. Breaking up really isn’t so hard to do, once you know to do it on all levels.

Becky Arrington guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company searching for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.

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