Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Off With Their Heads" and Other Leadership Techniques

Throughout history we've witnessed maniacal leaders who ruled with obsessive power.  Ranging from Hitler requiring complete adoration and a blind faith following to Genghis Khan and others who autocratically reigned without mercy.
Remember the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland whose every command was "off with their heads.?" A rather brutal response as opposed to  searching for workable solutions, not to mention anything resembling common sense.
Understanding the power of authority and learning how to use it is not training many of us have had. Many professionals  lead with a "me" instead of "we" mentality, often keeping subordinates busy with long "to do" lists of meaningless activities while keeping an obsessive sharp watch on all details. This not only applies to an office environment, but can leak over into relationships and parenting.
Many of us have been in places of leadership where projects, successes and outcomes depended on our controlling things along the way. Or so we thought. Holding tightly to the reins gave the one in charge a false sense of security. Instead of dictating orders  with one person controlling the movement; collectively stating the desired results, setting up the conditions for positive outcomes, defining boundaries, enlisting others and allowing the process to flow, has a higher chance for success than the constant  micro-managing many feel they have to do in order to guarantee victory.
In order to let go of the control, you have to trust. Sometimes we hold on so tightly because fear steps in preventing us from letting things take a natural course. The Law of Attraction states  any energy you give something  will attract more of the same. If a project is surrounded by fear and control, negative energy laced with those qualities will be present throughout the process. However if it is cloaked in positive, trusting feelings encircled by the vision of success, that is what you will get.
Emerging leaders know that to ensure achievements:  proper conditions have to be created, events and details need to be framed positively with clear parameters and then you can step back and let the magic  happen. Allowing everyone to have input and share in the outcome promotes pride and ownership in every project.   
Strong leadership requires no power tripping authority figure and no one has to lose their head, figuratively or literally. Cooler heads prevail as leaders adopt a more holistic approach and rely on the wisdom within each person, including themselves.

Becky Arrington guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company looking for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.

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Thanks, Becky

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