Monday, January 16, 2012

No Genies Needed

Wouldn't it be great if getting your wish was as easy as rubbing a magic lamp?  Or at the very least conferring with the genie to help you maneuver the world of requesting what you want? This manifesting is a slippery slope, with a fine line between asking and then  knowing when to get out of the way.
It starts with the set up. It's not enough to simply state the desired outcome, you must first give it some definition. Let's take several statements from the realm of employment seeking as an example. See how changing the wording can ensure better results.
1) I'd like a new job.
This is too open, you might end up working the midnight shift in a fast food restaurant, which is not quite what you had in mind.
2) I'd like a new job making lots of money.
This may result in a lucrative vocation, but it could be doing a job you're not happy about. Money doesn't equal happiness.
3) I'd like a new job, making lots of money, doing something I enjoy.
Much better, but it could also result in the employment being out of town, a far commute or a difficult work schedule, even though the money is good and you enjoy it.
4)I'd like a new job, making lots of money, doing something I love, with good working hours and conditions, close to home.
Notice the final wording was specific, yet expansive. It didn't list the company, salary, location or the job, it just outlined the parameters, and they were flexible enough for many opportunities to fit the request.
Keeping  constraints of a wish open ended and concentrating on the bigger picture as opposed to the details, allows it to unfold. Sometimes we are so specific in what we want and how it happens, we limit the possibilities that could occur, thus canceling out other options.
Once the desire is stated, events are in motion. The next trick is to let it happen. That doesn't mean just sit back and wait for it to unfold, there is a certain amount of work you have to do. In this case that would be sending inquiry letters, applications, resumes and going on interviews. Staying out of the way is not being obsessed with the details. Stop worrying whether every letter you send will be "the one" or waiting for the phone to ring. This is the stage where you begin to allow the process to ensue, in its own time.
By stating what you want, you've given your request to the powers that be. You're following up doing the work necessary for the opportunities to come in, now allow it to play out as it is supposed to. This is when we try to control-usually fueled by fear-with our preconceived ideas on "how" it should come to fruition .
Believe it or not, the universe may have a different plan and it may be much better than we ever imagined.  By trusting and allowing, we get out of the way and let the magic happen. Naturally and with no genies required.

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