Monday, October 29, 2012

Ruby Slipper Revelations

When Glenda the Good Witch informed a bewildered Dorothy that she indeed had the power all along to have anything she wished for embodied in the ruby slippers, including a trip back to Kansas, we all took a collective sigh. Imagine possessing something that amazing yet not having a clue?

We all have our own pair of Ruby Slippers and rarely realize or employ their magical abilities; to create, to heal,  basically to have anything we want.  The key is understanding we possess that power within ourselves and then learn how to use it. Our thoughts and words are how we manifest. Nobody else can tell you what to think or say, or keep you creating what you want in the world. But by the same token, you are also the only one who can block those creations from happening…again through your words and thoughts.  And THAT is the issue.  

If we are the only ones who can create and we are the only ones who block things from working out, that means whatever is happening in our world is our own doing. Pretty much rules out the role of victim, huh?. How much of our own success and happiness do we prevent through not believing we are worthy or don’t possess the ability to succeed? Do you spend more time thinking up excuses as to why you can’t have something instead of determining ways to get it? People spend an inordinate amount of time arguing for their own limitations.

Sure there are mitigating circumstances or events that occur in our lives that we may think are the reason for a failure, but those are merely rooted in your own original thoughts, and is the way the universe  brings those ideas or feelings to fruition. Look back over events in your life both positive and negative with this new filter and determine what thoughts did you hold that were the true cause for the occurrence at the time.

This realization will open up a whole new world, for it puts you in full control of everything that happens in your life. It all originates with your words and thoughts, no matter how fleeting. They are the most  important tools we have, treat them with intention and respect. Too often we have a cavalier attitude in what we say or think, as if they didn’t matter. In order to be better disciplined, imagine whatever you say or think will happen 3 minutes afterwards and see if you aren’t more careful.

Then click your heels three times and make it so!
Becky Arrington guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company looking for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

T is for Tolerance...Reflections on Gay Pride 2012

As I was watching the Gay Pride parade from the corner of Peachtree and 10th in Atlanta, I was struck by how far the movement had come. Thousands of people lined the streets; gay, straight, lesbian, transgendered, bi-sexual, a-sexual, dogs, cats, kids, conservatives, liberals all in support of diversity.

How can there still be intolerance and in some cases, actual hate, when so much progress has been made? How can we still deny basic rights to couples? If so many people come out in support, why can’t we pass a marriage amendment ? Try to imagine what it would be like to have a loved one in the hospital and you’re unable to visit or make important decisions because you’re not legally married. A scenario few actually consider when they adamantly oppose gay marriage.

Although the parade was still a Mardi Gras atmosphere of campy drag queens, dykes on bikes,  skimpily clad fly boys and leather wearing macho men, there was another contingency represented…corporate America.  Coca-Cola, Delta, Frito Lay, Whole Foods, General Motors, JC Penney, Newell Rubbermaid, Turner Broadcasting, CNN, UPS, AT&T, Wells Fargo and Home Depot were among some of the corporate groups represented.  Hooray it’s going mainstream, yet I had to question if their participation was in true support of gay rights or had they tapped into a strong consumer demographic? In fairness, most had  large groups of workers who were marching loud and proud, but the Frito Lay presence was merely a large cheetah walking alongside a gigantic logoed truck handing out snack packs. It seemed like blatant pandering for future sales( although with further research I did find out they were a sponsor of the festival) but it was in sharp contrast to the exuberant UPS employees who were clearly marching for their own personal choices, not to further the spoils of their employer.

The day was filled with touching moments; a huge group of LGBT youth filling the streets; white cloaked angels carrying pictures of people who had suffered and died at the hand of others for their beliefs and lifestyle; hundreds of parents from PFLAG celebrating their son’s and daughter’s diversity, many churches  and religious organizations, and my own personal favorite The Gay Fathers of Atlanta. I’ve spent the last 10+ years working with this group as a leader in the Straight Spouse Network and later as a supporter of families in transition.

 In 1994 my husband of 17 years came out to me. Suddenly thrust down the rabbit hole of disbelief and change, my children and I slowly made the climb out as we came to realize how difficult owning that decision was for him. At the time it would have been far easier to lead a secret life. He had no choice in being gay, the choice was in being honest about his feelings and life, no matter how that affected others. 

I hope in the future there will be no need for a Gay Pride Parade, that the same rights and liberties will be afforded to all and there are no differences. The options others make in their personal lives have no bearing on mine. Even when my husband’s decision did affect my life, I lovingly accepted him, although sometimes kicking and screaming. I honor his choice and his courage to make it.

In the ABCs of life,  along with T for Tolerance, I am also asking you to embrace the letter A for allowance.  Try to adopt a more accepting stance and allow others to make their own decisions, even if you don’t agree. Let’s give everyone the legal right to live and love the people they choose.
Becky Arrington guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company looking for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Life's a Treasure...Start Digging!

As you go spelunking around the recesses of your mind clearing out the debris of the past; love gone wrong , mommy dearest , being chosen last for a team, a difficult boss or a host of other issues cluttering your psyche, it is important to find the gift in each occurrence. Sure it is hard to find even a glimmer of a bright spot in many circumstances, but it is there.

All the happenings in your life were there for a reason and you created them yourself. What!!??   I know, it’s difficult to think that you may have conjured up an illness or a messy marriage, but it is important to dig into the crisis from a higher perspective to understand WHY you developed it. When we get above situations we can view them more pragmatically to determine the dynamics and the players involved. I use the term “players” because I often employ the scenario of a play to look at past events. If this is my production, I have chosen these people to be the actors and this is the plot.

Using this technique gets you out of the emotional space and into a more diagnostic frame of mind. Dissect and examine the story, the different  twists, the setting and the interactions of those involved. Through the eyes of the director you can begin to see why the event took place, the role others played in your growth and eventually what was the gift you received from it.

Too often people clear old issues and understand the reason they created them, but fail to find the riches they received in the process. There is always a reward.  It is not always obvious and could take some deeper digging, but the more you look for the present, the more you may find.

Life’s a treasure, happy hunting!
Becky Arrington guides individuals and businesses to discover their purpose and live authentically. Whether you’re a company looking for innovative ways to lead and engage employees or an individual trying to prioritize, reduce stress or decide what you want to be when you grow up, learning to accept and thrive in change is key.