Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Living Your Purpose...Lessons from a Beagle

Finding your purpose can be as fleeting and frustrating as chasing a runaway beagle.  Following the dog throughout the neighborhood in full sniff mode; nose to the ground , stopping to inspect some particularly fragrant dead object, this is my chance! Quietly I sneak up, seizing the opportunity to grab the delinquent dog, when suddenly she's off in the opposite direction focused on a much more enticing scent. I have a beagle and speak from firsthand experience.

We have been led to believe that in order to live authentically one must fulfill your life's purpose. But how do I figure out what that purpose is? I've taken workshops, filled out numerous questionnaires, dabbled in astrology and numerology, all in search of what I am meant to do in life. In college I had seven majors, obviously I have trouble narrowing my interests.

In this past month's Meeting with the Masters channeling, the guides said, "We know that many of you are confused about your life's work, your purpose, what you were put on earth to do. What we want to share with you is that IT DOESN'T MATTER what you do. Whether you're a custodian, a doctor, a secretary or a bank president as long as you are sharing your experiences and lessons learned, living impeccably and helping humanity, those are the key issues. It is not so much what the job is or the modality you're seeking, it is the intent behind it. Keep forefront in your mind, in whatever you are doing, what is the purpose? The purpose is to help all of mankind raise its conscious vibration, that is your main reason to be here, why you agreed to incarnate on earth at this time."

Whew, well I feel much better. No more pressure to develop the ultimate venue to fulfill my purpose, no more searching for the perfect vehicle to help others. Sounds like all I really need to do is just "be" and stop worrying . Maybe I should take a few lessons from my beagle and just stop and smell the err….roses.

Becky Arrington


  1. WEll said!! We all need to think this way. Upwardly mobile is great if you can enjoy the ride and share your experiences.

  2. Becky, I had a beagle/basset myself and know that routine very well. I learned lots of lessons on walks with my Sunshine over her 13 years of life. It's interesting that the name of our species comes with the job description. We are called human BEINGS - not human DOINGS.

    Debbie Unterman
