Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Case of the Ugly

I’m a nice, pretty easy going person, always willing to look at all sides of an issue; comfortable in the gray areas and rarely defined as a black and white kind of gal. Until this month! I read that we are moving out of duality as part of the universal shift and that made sense, however I was totally unprepared as to how that would show up in my life as my ego has not been able to keep calm and as they say, just carry on.
The past month I have had an overwhelming anger that wells up inside of me. As I mentioned, I am very amicable, always see all sides to an issue and diplomacy oozes from my veins.  But sometime during the month of June, an ugly fairy, I believe it might have been Ursula, squatted on my chest and allowed the ogre inside me to loom large. Normally if something is amiss I have a way of cloaking it in a nice way and presenting a case where everyone feels good about the issues, even if we are in disagreement. This energy I have been experiencing HAS NO FILTERS! No more playing nice, in fact I can’t force a compliment from my lips because the caustic truth is pouring out so fast.
Perhaps this is not such a bad thing in the fact that I really have been able to cut to the chase in discussions.  However there haven’t been many conversations because I have been such a nasty person nobody wants to be around me! As you can imagine, much of June has been spent in silent contemplation, except when the anger monster rears its head and I have to let a little spew out.
As we move out of duality we begin to see the expansiveness in all things and look to greater potentials. That is why I was so perplexed that my journey was so fraught with irritability. My guides explained it as follows:
When you move from a fixed position of duality into the realm of infinite possibilities, the human side of you hangs on. It was the ego that was hanging on for dear life, for it knows there is little room for it to act out on the higher dimensions. Part of that ego expression was in the form of anger at things that you felt were not correct or right on a larger, more universal level.
You were not wrong in your assessment, for the situations were not being handled correctly for the greater good. You actually were not coming from a point of judgment but rather a point of logic and the higher part of you was exasperated that those in question would not see the simple truth. The fact that there were no filters was to show you how much you do soft-pedal your conversations with others and to show how intense the truth can be. We see you as coming to a point of non-attachment and balance for in the future you will not mince words, but you will regain some of your softness in the delivery.
Thankfully the 20th was the summer Solstice which marked the halfway point of the year. The past six months have been a mish mash of releasing old ideas and paradigms while feeling stuck. Currently we are in Mercury Retrograde which further mires us in stand-still energy. There was a lifting at the Solstice, a clearing away and a heaviness that was released for me. I felt it go and with it so did the anger. Last week several situations came up that had been hot buttons previously and interestingly they held little emotional charge and quite honestly I didn’t really care anymore. My clinging ego was silent and I was back to a place where I was easily managing expectations, by not having any.
As we head into the final half of the year, we will continue the clearing of the past and letting go of anything that does not serve us. During this time, don’t be too hard on yourself. Know that every fiber of your being is going through transition and a lot of changes are occurring that are not obvious to our human brains.
 Staying flexible and allowing these shifts to occur makes the ride easier. However do not get alarmed if you suddenly have an attack of the uglies like I did. As the guides said, it is simply your ego letting go and may be a case of the universe showing you up close and personal the truth of a situation. Hopefully you will have loving friends and family who will be willing to wait it out until the true you comes out on the other side. A little more Ariel and less of Ursula is appropriate!
Since so many of you are being challenged physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially, I would like to offer my services to you from July 1st through the 27th at a reduced rate. Readings will be offered at a discounted rate of $50 (regularly $100) and hypnotherapy sessions for $150 (normally $200). I have taken more days at The Center for Enlightened Learning, so please e-mail me or call to schedule an appointment. I will also do phone or skype sessions. This is an excellent time to get clarity and to clear away old blocks that are keeping you from living your joy.
Don’t miss the July 12th workshop Opening to Channel/Meet Your Guides. This is an excellent way to get in touch with your highest connections and lay a strong foundation to achieve it. Pre-register for discounted price of $75, $85 day of the workshop. See side panel and link for details.
Contact Becky: